
On Freedom of Speech - Excerpts from Libertas Praestantissimum - Pope Leo XIII - 1888

This document, in addition to those on Modernism by P. Pius X, made me rethink my gut reactions as an American. There is great wisdom in what the Church says, even when we don't like it; even when it goes against everything we have been taught. I have seen many Catholics rashly posting their opinions about other Christians, Clergy, Bishops, and the Pope -- especially recently. We need to keep in mind that while we have the ability to speak our minds, that doesn't mean we always should... For this reason, I give you the excerpt below. This is P. Leo XIII's (1810-1903) commentary on "Freedom of Speech." ‐---‐--------------- Libertas Praestantissimum  On the Nature of Human Liberty  Pope Leo XIII - 1888 Paragraph 23. We must now consider briefly liberty of speech, and liberty of the press. It is hardly necessary to say that there can be no such right as this, if it be not used in moderation, and if it pass beyond the bounds and end of all true liberty. For right is a...

On Vocational Discernment- Excerpts from CATHOLICI SACERDOTII by P. Pius XI.

To anyone who hasn't read it (especially Bishops, Priests, Deacons, seminarians, and especially those discerning their vocations) I want to encourage the reading of "AD CATHOLICI SACERDOTII" by P. Pius XI. Like all of Pius XI's works, it is beautifully written and really strikes to the soul. I would consider this the equivalent of his other work "Casti Connubii," but for priests/religious.  He gives amazing reflections on the duties of a priest, as well as how Bishops and rectors should go about determining whether a man has a vocation to the priesthood or not. In that same way, near the end of the letter, Pius XI gives young men principles for the discernment of their vocations. I am posting this most especially for those young men (and women, respectively) who are investigating a vocation to the priesthood/religious life. Read these principles for discernment. I think it will be very helpful for you. Regarding vocational discernment, the main t...

Two Logical Arguments in Favor of the "Infallible Safety" of the Ordinary Magisterium

Thesis: Individuals cannot and ought not accuse the Ordinary Magisterium (OM) of Pope Francis as having had promulgated heresy or serious error. NOTE: Definitions of terms used in this post, and in this blog more widely can be found here . My reasoning for this is two-fold: (1) Why I assert that Pope Francis cannot be accused of heresy. This is because I assess that each instance of Francis' ordinary  magisterium which is accused of such heresy can be interpreted (and thus should be interpreted) in an orthodox manner. Thus, the evidence of such heresy is not blatantly obvious; hence the evidence of such heresy is likewise ambiguous. In an instance of ambiguity, the most charitable interpretation should be rendered the acceptable one. [I hope to eventually address argument (1) more specifically by taking a look at the instances in which the OM of Francis has been accused of heresy or serious error, and why such interpretations are not the only interpretations that can b...


DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN THIS BLOG [This page will be updated continually as I create more posts. I will add more definitions as I deem it necessary. If there are words I have used which you would like me to define and add to this page, please feel free to contact me at ] Ambiguity : A proposition which can be interpreted in two or more senses, one of which is unacceptable. Authentic Interpreter : This phrase, in regard to the Church's Magisterium, comes from Vatican II's Dei Verbum 10. The original latin is "authentice interpretandi." The word "authentice" has meant in the past (14th century) to mean "authoritative." Some have posited that "authentice" in the context of Dei Verbum 10 uses this older definition of "authoritative." The modern word "authentic" generally means "corresponding to the fact" instead of "authoritative." Dangerous Error* : I consider a ...

The Theological Censures

The following is my paraphrase and synthesis of the Catholic Encyclopedia (NewAdvent) on the Theological Censures of the Catholic Church. I have quoted and given a link to the entire section at the end of this article. A discussion of the Theological Censures may be divided into three (3) main categories: (I) The significance and definitions of condemned propositions. (II) The expression of condemned propositions. (III) The consequences of condemned propositions.   (I) The significance and definitions of condemned propositions: NOTE: I posit that the censures in this section can additionally be categorized as the following, which is evidenced by the aforementioned Encyclopedia's descriptions of such: i. Dangerous Errors: All censures in sections A, B, & C. ii. Undetermined: The censure in section D - Temeratia (rash). iii. Safe Errors: All censures of section E. (By "safe," I mean "not dangerous to one's salvation.) A. Hæretica  (heretical) 1. A p...

Advice for Vocational Discernment from Cardinal John Baptist Franzelin (1816-1886)

 ADVICE FOR VOCATIONAL DISCERNMENT FROM CARDINAL JOHN BAPTIST FRANZELIN (1816-1886) Cardinal Franzelin, S.J. - a portrait taken from the beginning of the biography. The below excerpt is from the biography of John Baptist Cardinal Franzelin (1816-1886) written by Fr. Nicholas Walsh published in 1895.  I have not come across many writings before the second half of the 20th Century that deal with the topic of "discerning one's vocation," specifically, so it was to my surprise that this work dealt with the subject so particularly.  While reading said biography, I was struck by the advise given to readers regarding vocational discernment. First, the author recommends the advice of Jesus given to the rich young man in Matthew 19:16-30 (cf. Mark 10:17-31 and Luke 18:18-30). Namely, keep the commandments, then sell all you have, give to the poor, then come follow Jesus. This same gospel passage has been extremely influential in the lives of multiple saints and religious orders; p...

On Private Judgement vs The Magisterium - Excerpts from Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae - Pope Leo XIII - 1899

Excerpt from Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae (Concerning New Opinions, Virtue, Nature and Grace, With Regard to Americanism) By Pope Leo XIII - 1899 *please excuse my editing of this excerpt. In order not to make this post too long, I cut out certain parts of this quote. It was difficult to not just leave it all in. If you want to read the document for yourself, I will attach a link below. It is beautiful... and convicting. Pope Leo XIII, 1900 ‐‐-----‐------------------------------ We, therefore, on account of our apostolic office, [have] to guard the integrity of the faith and the security of the faithful. ...the underlying principle of these new [erroneous] opinions is that, in order to more easily attract those who differ from her, the Church should shape her teachings more in accord with the spirit of the age and relax some of her ancient severity and make some concessions to new opinions.  Many think that these concessions should be made not only in regard to ways of living, but ...