Key Excerpts from the "Syllabus of Errors Against the Modernists" - P. Pius X (1907)
The below excerpts are from the "Syllabus of Errors Against the Modernists." I have found myself to be sympathetic with one or more of these condemned propositions at one point or another during my life... positions from which I have repented of since. I hope that these may be useful to many; possibly even enlightening some unto the path of Truth -- as it did for me.
Signed by Peter Palombelli (Notary of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition); also "approved and confirmed" by P. Pius X in 1907.
NOTE: Each of the below propositions is condemned.
5. Since the deposit of Faith contains only revealed truths, the Church has no right to pass judgment on the assertions of the human sciences.
8. They are free from all blame who treat lightly the condemnations passed by the Sacred Congregation of the Index or by the Roman Congregations.
22. The dogmas the Church holds out as revealed are not truths which have fallen from heaven. They are an interpretation of religious facts which the human mind has acquired by laborious effort.
24. The exegete who constructs premises from which it follows that dogmas are historically false or doubtful is not to be reproved as long as he does not directly deny the dogmas themselves .
25. The assent of faith ultimately rests on a mass of probabilities.
53. The organic constitution of the Church is not immutable. Like human society, Christian society is subject to a perpetual evolution.
54. Dogmas, Sacraments and hierarchy, both their notion and reality, are only interpretations and evolutions of the Christian intelligence which have increased and perfected by an external series of additions the little germ latent in the Gospel.
63. The Church shows that she is incapable of effectively maintaining evangelical ethics since she obstinately clings to immutable doctrines which cannot be reconciled with modern progress.
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